
Do you want great digestion?

Without unnecessary testing and expensive supplement schedules?

I’ve spent more than 15 years resolving digestion issues and my philosophy has changed substantially. Previously I conducted hundreds of expensive functional medicine stool tests and recommended many supplements, and had very good results but I’ve come to the conclusion now that these tests and supplements are completely unnecessary. Understanding what drives digestive dysfunction, gut dysbiosis and the problematic factors like endotoxin allows the client to take control and change the digestion for the better. Hormones, stress, environment and poorly digested foods recommended by so called integrative or holistic practitioners often create digestive dysfunction. Considering basic nutrition and principles of digestion and hormone regulation allow you to eradicate parasites, optimise bacteria and improve many aspects of function which include sleep, mood, skin and energy.

Your digestion is one of the most important processes after breathing, that your body needs to complete and this process needs to be efficient. Digestion actually starts in the brain but many of the problems of digestion and assimilation actually occur within the stomach, through to the colon. Inefficient digestion, abdominal bloating and other problems can be created by a multitude of issues such as:

  • Hypochlorhydria –inability to produce enough acid in the stomach

  • Fungus, bacteria and parasitic infections

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hyper intestinal permeability or leaky gut

  • Adrenal issues such as hypercortisolemia

  • IBS/IBD issues

  • Dysbiosis-imbalance of gut flora/bacteria

  • Environmental toxin/estrogen overload

  • Food sensitivities

  • Emotional stress

  • Poor posture

Inability to digest key nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins and smaller essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals can cause issues such as malabsorption, fatigue and spill over into key functions of the body such as sleep, energetic function, libido, emotional wellbeing and many other issues.  The key screening process that you will go through will highlight what analysis is necessary to resolve any health complaints that you may be suffering from. Expensive astro-intestinal assessment can be necessary in extreme cases but for many, it may be a waste of time pursuing this form of analysis if another factor is causing your poor digestion.

Tess had suffered from IBS for twenty years:

“When we met, Keith went through the questionnaire results and advised me to make a few, small unexpected tweaks to my diet. I’m thrilled to say I have a ‘new’ healthy stomach! In a matter of weeks, my stomach was better than I can ever remember it being and it has stayed that way. I can’t recommend Keith’s program enough … for anyone who has stomach/digestive issues and is looking for a natural solution.”